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Middletown Middle School

Home of the Broncos

Weekly Parent Communication

Posted Date: 3/24/25 (11:50 PM)

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Middletown Middle School

Broncos are smart, safe and kind!

A message from Mrs. Dorman's office

Hello, Bronco Families,
I don't know about you, but the kids couldn't get enough sun today! (Okay, I couldn't either!) I hope you enjoyed some vitamin D, too!

The third quarter ends Friday. Please talk with your kids about finishing up work and taking AR quizzes. Grades will continue to determine eligibility for spring sports teams.

Reminder: Students' cell phones are to be on silent or turned off and stored in their backpacks between 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. daily. The expectation has been the same all year, but recently, students have seemed surprised by this. Our cell phone policy can be found on page 4 of our student agenda if you would like to review that information.
I hope your week ahead is great!
Mrs. Dorman Signature
sports donations needed

Bronco Sports Update

Spring is full of sports at MMS, which we love! This is a reminder that the district does not fund athletics. We pay for refs/umpires with gate fees, and coaches help their athletes fundraise for much-needed equipment. However, we still usually need help with transportation and uniform costs. We request a $50 donation per athlete per sport towards fuel costs and transportation. We appreciate the few families that make this donation, as it helps our programs greatly. If you have not contributed to your athlete's sporting club this year, you can still make a check payable to MUSD with the team name in the memo line. The transportation bill comes at the end of the school year, so it would go a long way in helping to support our sports so we can keep them going next year. We appreciate your help!
PTSO Annoucement
MMS PTSO Venmo Link
Sport's Booseter's Fundraiser
Gala Night Information
Click for Sports Boosters Info

Upcoming Dates

March 26th-Minimum Day, students are released from school @ 12:30 pm
March 28th-3rd Quarter Ends
April 21st-April 25th-Spring Break, No School
May 10th-Sports Boosters Golf Tournament and Gala Night Fundraiser
May 30th-Minimum Day, students are released from school @ 12:30 pm
Soccer Schedule
Softball Schedule
Track Schedule
Wrestling Schedule
Reg + Mini Day Bus Schedule
Spiritwear Bronco Store
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