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Language Arts

Language Arts

A quote about reading and writing with a floral background.

  • HOMEWORK EVERYDAY (just like every other core subject): READ YOUR A.R. BOOK. A.R. (Accelerated Reading) is 10% of your Language Arts grade. This is in addition to any other assignments from your individual teacher. California English Language Arts Standard Reading 2.0 requires middle school students to read at least one million words per year (this translates to about 30 minutes of reading per day). Due to other rigorous standards that require direct instruction, such as multi-paragraph essays, grammar, poetry, punctuation, etc., reading is the one thing you can do at home without teacher supervision. Instead of intensive book reviews and reports, you simply fill out a brief book review sheet and take a basic comprehension test on your A.R. books when you finish reading them.


    ► Responsibility. You need to come to class prepared each day, and with all required materials (pen, paper, textbook, AR book, homework, etc.).


    ► Accountability. Students must turn in homework at the beginning of class. Late work (at the discretion of the teacher) may either be not accepted, given ½-credit, or on larger assignments be reduced by one letter grade per day. If you are absent, ask a classmate, or contact the teacher via email or note. Illegible writing will not be accepted. Use blue or black ink only, or typed, and include your heading (name, date, and period) on all submissions.


    ► Respect. All students will respect themselves, each other, the teacher, the classroom, the textbooks, and personal belongings.


    Participation. Both the district and the state standards include public listening and speaking. If students do not participate, their grades may be lower. If students disrupt the class and cannot employ good listening skills, a conference may be requested. Frequent absences also affect learning, and especially their grades.

  • What is the Accelerated Reading Program?

    The AR program, as we call it, is a system that allows students to choose and read books from a special list and then test on each book on the classroom computer. The program is designed to promote the love of reading, and can be a significant factor in a student’s progress in the areas of comprehension, analysis, and vocabulary development. A student who spends time reading will grow in all areas!


    Reading tests are administered to target each student’s “zone.” Once a student knows his/her reading zone, he/she will then be able to choose books within their reading range. The zone is important, because it allows students to read books that are not too difficult (or too easy!). We also inform each student of the number of points he/she should work towards for an “A.” Each book is worth a certain number of points (based on the book’s difficulty and length). When the book is finished, the student takes a 10—20 question basic reading comprehension test on the classroom computer to analyze how well he/she understood the book. Points are awarded based on the number of correct answers and the student moves on to another book.


    How does the AR Program affect a student’s grade?

    AR counts for 10% of the student's grade. Please contact your Language Arts teacher for more information.


    Tips for Success

    • Always have an AR book! Take it to all of your classes.
    • Some of your other teachers will allow you to read from your AR book AFTER all other work is completed, or after a test.
    • If your teacher asks you to keep a reading log, make sure you write in it daily.
    • Plan to read AT LEAST 30—60 minutes a day. Use AR time (that’s 30 minutes right there), free time in class, a quiet time at home, while riding on the bus or in a car, etc.
    • Don’t wait until the last minute to choose a book. Our school library, as well as Middletown Library will have books available for checkout.
    • Choose books that YOU like! There are over 4,000 AR books available for you to read. If you start a book and do not like it, please stop reading it, and choose another one! You are more likely to finish and understand books that you enjoy!


    Come by and see your Language Arts teacher if you are having difficulty with AR. He/she will work with you and help you succeed!

  • For access to the Accelerated Reader (AR) website, please click the Accelerated Reader (AR) website.
