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Middletown Middle School

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ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California) Summative Assessment 2017-2018. This past Spring, EL students took a test called the Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California. This test is part of the California assessment system and is aligned with California's English Language Development Standards.


These standards make sure English learner students have a high-quality program that will enable them to attain proficiency in English - developing the necessary skills and confidence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing - so they can be successful in the classroom. The ELPAC helps teachers across the state see how well students are doing with those skills.


Your student's report shows an overall score, consisting of oral language skills (speaking, listening) and written language skills (reading, writing) and a performance level. Because the ELPAC is a new test, scores from the ELPAC should not be compared to scores from the previous test, the California English Language Development Test.


To find out more about your child's scores:

The ELPAC website has the following materials to help parents/guardians understand the score reports:

  • Understanding the Summative Student Score Report - ELPAC, a video
  • Guide to Understanding the ELPAC Student Score Report


In our district, the test results are just one way to look at how well our students are doing. We use the results to find areas in which students need help in the next school year. It is also important to know that the test results are not used to determine whether a student moves to the next grade. If you have questions or concerns about your student's progress, please call the school office at (707) 987-4160 to arrange a conference with your student's teacher.