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Middletown Middle School

Home of the Broncos

Nurse's Corner


Here, you'll be able to find information on immunizations and deadlines, medications, frequently asked questions, and additional resources.

Phone/Fax: (707) 987-1488

  • Laci Holley

  • Please see the guide for students and staff health. We are working on keeping ill students at home and encouraging hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. Please help do your part in keeping our school community as healthy as possible.

    If you're sick, please stay home and rest and recover before returning.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our nurse's office.

  • I'm not feeling well and want to go home. What do I do?

    • ANSWER: Students who do not feel well need to go to the nurse's office and be seen. If they are sick/need to go home, the student will call from the nurse's office. Once parent/guardian is on campus to pick them up, the front office will call the nurse's office to send the student up.

    I have medication with me. Can I take it at school/on campus?

    • ANSWER: All medications (over the counter and prescription) require a doctor's note to be able to be taken at school - this includes cough drops, Advil, ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc. Only emergency medications such as an inhaler or Epi Pens may be carried on them with a doctor's note. Notes must be current and updated every year and a copy goes to the school office, and one to the Nurse's office.

    I have a headache or need some benadryl for my allergies. Can I get that here?

    • ANSWER: We will no longer be dispensing prescribed OR over the counter medications (Tylenol, ibuprofen, benadryl, etc.) without a letter signed from parents and PHYSICIAN. We can no longer call parents and get verbal over the phone permission. If a student is sick with a fever, requires benadryl for an allergy, etc then without a physician note the student either needs to be picked up ASAP or the parent can come self administer it themselves. Each student must have their own labeled bottle in the original container that we can store in the LOCKED medicine cabinets at each site. We can no longer provide the medications at each site.

    Once A Week Take A Peek-Fight back against head lice!

    • Use proper detection comb to trap head lice
      • If head lice are spotted, take a close look at all the family, including yourself, and ask close family and friends to check as well.
      • Inform the school.

    Should your child stay home?

    Check your child for head lice on a weekly basis and treat straight away when live lice are found. We do have a NO NIT policy, once your child has no live lice or nits they can attend school, child care and all other activities as usual. Please take your child to the office to be checked by staff. If nits or live lice are found your child will have to return home with parent/guardian.

    Please check your child’s head for head lice weekly. If we all work together we can eliminate the problem quickly and prevent the spread to other students.

  • All incoming 7th grade students AND all out of state students are required by the State of California to show proof of immunization of the Tdap shot (unless in possession of a valid medical waiver that has been submitted to the school.)

    For more information regarding the requirements by the state, please click on the image to the right:


  • Please fill out the attached form for authorization/consent for prescribed and over the counter medications



    Authorization for any Medication taken during the school hours