Happy Monday, Bronco Families!
Welcome back!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break with your family.
There is a lot of illness going around. Please call our office at (707) 987-4160 or email jenn.perez@middletownusd.org to clear any absences your student may have.
Wednesday begins our 12 Days of Christmas Spirit Dress Up days, brought by MMS Leadership.
Wednesday, 12/4: Wear red and green
Thursday, 12/5: Wear your school spirit wear, purple, black and white
Friday, 12/6: PJs on Polar Express Day
The end of the second quarter is December 19th. All student work must be completed and turned in by this day to be counted on the second-quarter report cards.
Thank you for all of your support with fundraising money with our PTSO! We have the cutest swag to get you! (I'm not going to lie, though; I'm a little nervous about sending the coffee mugs home with kids on the bus, so I think you'll have to come pick them up! haha)
One thing to note is that we have minimum days the week before winter break. Students will be released at 12:30 pm each day that week.
Enjoy this week of slightly warmer days!