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Weekly Parent Communication

Posted Date: 8/19/24 (7:14 PM)

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Middletown Middle School
Broncos are smart, safe and kind!
Mrs. Dorman Signature
A message from Mrs. Dorman's office
Happy Monday, Bronco families!
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather. I encourage you to check out our website if you need information. From Go Fan purchases to bus schedules and athletic news, I try to keep everything updated as best as possible. The website button is at the end of this message.
Volleyball tryouts are underway. See the message below for dates and times this week.
PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization) meets tomorrow at 4 pm in our library. Please come and join us. This group does a lot to create events and fundraisers and supports our staff throughout the year. They have created an online store for MMS swag that you can purchase, and a percentage of the proceeds will go to PTSO. The link below will take you directly to the site, and you can take advantage of the 30% off sale before September 10th.
Have a wonderful week, everyone!
Student Absences
Regular school attendance is extremely important. If your child is absent, you should call to clear the absence each day. Absences can only be cleared within three days of the day your child was out of school. To clear your child's absence, please call or TEXT 707-709-8282 or email with the student's name and why they are absent. Thank you so much for helping with this!
Upcoming Dates
August 20th: PTSO Meeting @ 4 pm in the MMS Library
August 19-22nd: 6th-8th Grades Volleyball Try-Outs. Sports physical forms need to be on file before attending tryouts.
August 23rd: Makeup Picture Day
September 2nd: No School, Labor Day
September 6th: First Quarter Progress Report Window closes
Volleyball tryouts
MMS Bronco Swag
Spiritwear Bronco Store
Click for the MMS Website
Bus Schedules
2024-2025 MUSD Calendar
MMS Events Page